A newsletter for partners of the Alabama Rivers Alliance

Welcome to ARA's May 2024 monthly partner newsletter! This newsletter aims to foster collaboration and help us keep moving forward together in our respective work in Alabama. Dive into this month's newsletter to discover upcoming events, engage in comment opportunities, explore job postings, seize funding possibilities, and stay informed about the efforts of those dedicated to #DefendRivers across the state. 



Relevant environmental regulatory updates & opportunities to let agencies know how their decisions can impact your work.


The Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) is proposing to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for waterways in Alabama that were identified as impaired under the Clean Water Act. Waterways and creeks in the Alabama, Cahaba, Coosa, Perdido, Tallapoosa, Tennessee, and Tombigbee watersheds are proposed to be listed for TMDLs for Pathogens (primarily E. coli). Public comments are due to ADEM by June 21, 2024 by mail or email. See the public notice of new TMDLs here.



ADEM periodically updates the public notice page to announce recently received applications for industrial facilities looking to discharge into the air, water, or land in Alabama. Several applications have been received for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for new and existing facilities seeking to discharge from point sources into Alabama waterways. See NPDES applications here with instructions for commenting.



June 1 - Bush Hills Clean Up

  • Pitch in with the Village Creek Human & Environmental Justice Society

June 1 & 2 - Cahaba Lily Canoe Trip Series

  • Witness the annual Cahaba lilies in all their glory at the Cahaba River Refuge

June 4 - Newbern Sanitary Sewer Community Meeting

  • Learn about the Newbern rural wastewater cluster system and see a demonstration

June 5 - Summer Advocacy Workshop Series with UAB Lister Hill Center

  • Tune in to hear ARA's Charles & V talk about civic engagement & environmental equity 

June 7 - Party on the Porch Benefitting Friends of Shades Creek

  • Party on the porch at Alabama Outdoors to benefit Shades Creek!

June 8 - Kid's Day on the River 

  • Bring the youngins to get "hands on" with the Friends of the Locust Fork River!

June 10 - LWVAL Voter Education Series

  • Tune in to hear a discussion about "Unions 101 for Sweet Home Alabama" 

June 12 - ASRT Summer Paddle Series: #1

  • Join the first paddle of the series in Southeast Alabama on the Pea River!

June 18 - Moonlight Canoe Trip Series

  • Head out with Cahaba River Society for a nighttime paddle of the 280 pool in BHM

June 22 - Clean Up the Crick with Mom's & CRS

  • Hey Critters! It's time to come out & clean up the crick!

Submit events to ARA's calendar anytime!


  • Have you seen, our new water infrastructure resource website for folks learning about water infrastructure funding in Alabama? Recently covered by the UAB Lister Hill Center for Health Policy as a vital starting point for communities looking to learn more about solving water infrastructure issues with funding. 
  • We are bubbling over with excitement for the 2024 Southern Exposure Film Series! The incredibly creative and talented documentary film fellows will start production mid-June and they will be tackling these topics: the decline of seagrass in Mobile Bay, native plants throughout Alabama, PFAS in our drinking water supplies, and a celebratory piece on Women Advocates in Alabama. If you are interested in being included in any of these four films, or if you want to plan now to screen them in your community, please reach out to Kelly! 
  • After the legislature adjourned on May 10, the focus of our policy work shifts towards preparing for the 2025 session, keeping in touch with our state legislators, and getting caught up on regulatory and Congressional issues. We're also excited to engage in community outreach, sharing our work with individuals and groups across Alabama, and listening to the issues they see on the ground in their own communities. Read our recap of the 2024 session here.
  • We recently participated in the workshop "Exploring Dam Removal" with American Rivers in Heflin, AL. The training brought together federal agencies, environmental conservation organizations, and recreation groups to focus on removing dangerous, obsolete, or ecologically harmful dams in our state. Shortly after that, we had the opportunity to participate as a steering committee member of the Hydropower Reform Coalition in lobbying FERC and members of Congress in D.C about hydropower and river conservation issues.


We were excited to have four of our staff participate in the national River Rally conference put on by our long-time partners at River Network. This event is an important professional development and networking opportunity for our staff, so we always prioritize it in our budget. Extra special this year, we were able to cheer on our awesome Coosa Riverkeeper, Justinn Overton, as she was recognized as a River Hero! Cindy also recently participated in Navigate, a nonprofit development conference held in Huntsville this month. We are grateful to the Community of Foundation of Greater Huntsville for putting this on.

Professional development is a key part of any organization's success and we encourage all of our partners to participate in these opportunities. Please reach out if you want to learn more about incorporating this into your organization's budget and culture. 

PS - Check out our field trip to see a fish ladder on the Grand River in Grand Rapids!



Amplifying the voices of those working for change in Alabama by celebrating news, wins of all sizes, milestones, AND ways others could use support! Submit your news so we can celebrate you!

  • Groundbreaking: EPA announced their final decision to deny Alabama's application from ADEM to run a state coal ash permit program to manage coal ash landfills and impoundments, specifically noting coal ash cannot be closed in a way that allows contact with groundwater. Read press releases from EPA, SELC, and Mobile Baykeeper.
  • Happy 15th Anniversary to GASP, the Greater-Birmingham Alliance to Stop Pollution! GASP commemorated the occasion with a big celebration at Cahaba Brewery.
  • Summer weather means the return of swimming and Swim Guide testing! Thank you to every organization that puts together water quality monitoring and results! Sign up for Swim Guide from Cahaba Riverkeeper, Coosa Riverkeeper, Mobile Baykeeper, and Coosa River Basin Initiative. Download the Swim Guide app to check swimming holes water quality status at a glance.
  • Tune into Alabama Arise's 2024 Legislative Session Wrap-Up tonight at 6:30 pm. Join as they discuss what happened, resources needed, and next steps to take. Register here.
  • Folks are gathering in Auburn on Saturday, June 8 for the Alabama Water Watch Annual Meeting. This is where water quality results of the year are tallied and volunteers are recognized. Sign up by 5/31 & learn more here.
  • The Seafood Labeling Bill passed! This bill requires labeling of "imported" versus "domestic" for seafood at restaurants and stores, as well as designating of “wild-caught” versus “farm-raised” on all seafood sold. See more from Mobile Baykeeper here
  • The Consortium for Rural Water & Wastewater Management (CARWW) held their semi-annual meeting during this May. Academics, agencies, and advocates alike met virtually to discuss updates on water infrastructure projects in the Black Belt and beyond. 
  • ICMYI: May 25th was World Fish Migration DaySince 2014, WFMD has been celebrated every two years to bring awareness to the movement needs of freshwater fishes, and the river, ocean, and floodplain habitat connections that sustain these migratory animals. Check out this piece from Bham Now, featuring the Southern Exposure film, MUSSEL MEMORY!

This newsletter is created by a small team with limited resources, please use reply to this email or click below to submit newsletter items from your organization! 






Alabama Rivers Alliance
2014 6th Avenue North, Suite 200 | Birmingham, Alabama 35203
205.322.6395 |

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