| SUSTAINING THE FLOW A newsletter for organizational partners of the Alabama Rivers Alliance Welcome to the 13th edition of our monthly partner newsletter, which means we've been producing this newsletter for a year now! We hope it has been useful for you and your organization. We would love to hear your thoughts and ways we can make it even better. Give us a scroll this month to read about upcoming events, partner news, job postings, funding sources, upcoming events and opportunities to enjoy our great outdoors in Alabama! As always, please click here to unsubscribe, update your contact info, or sign up others you think could benefit from this newsletter! |
| | | | REGULATORY NEWS & COMMENT OPPORTUNITIES Relevant environmental regulatory updates & opportunities to let agencies know how their decision can impact your work. PROPOSED PUMPED STORAGE HYDRO PROJECT FOR CHANDLER MOUNTAIN: OPEN COMMENT PERIOD! Alabama Power is seeking to obtain a federal license to build and operate a new large pumped storage hydropower (PSH) facility in the vicinity of Chandler Mountain, near the town of Steele in the Coosa River watershed. Alabama Power has initiated the licensing process with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), which puts the project on a 5-7 year schedule to be permitted. For more information about the project, check out the Pre-Application Document (available through the FERC docket or Alabama Power's chandlermountainpumpedstorage.com site). There is an open comment opportunity now through August 11, 2023, so read our post to learn how to make your voice heard! ADEM/EMC UNIFIED STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE ADEM is in the process of updating their Unified Strategic Plan as required every five years and is currently accepting comments and/or suggestions. This is the multi-year strategic plan that describes how the Alabama Environmental Commission (AEMC) and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) will work together. Review the current Unified Strategic Plan and submit comments via email to public.affairs@adem.alabama.gov or mail to Laura Cranage in the ADEM Director’s Office, P. O. Box 301463 Montgomery, AL 36130. |
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| | AROUND THE ARA OFFICE - This month ARA staff attended the FERC Scoping Meetings for the Proposed Pumped Hydropower Project on Chandler Mountain. These meetings took place on July 10 in Rainbow City where scores of Steele, Gallant, and Chandler Mountain residents showed up to ask FERC and Alabama Power questions.
- We celebrated the incredible - and awe-inspiring - work of the 2023 Southern Exposure film fellows with a rough draft screening last week! We seriously cannot wait for the World Premiere of this year's FIVE amazing new films plus our inaugural Poet Fellow's poem and intro film. Mark your calendars now for Wednesday, September 20 at The Altamont School. More details coming soon!
- In case you missed it, scroll through Jack's Summer Policy Update email to read a recap of what happened this legislative session, a water and wastewater equity work update, federal policy updates, and more about the proposed pumped storage hydro project at Chandler Mountain.
| | | PARTNER HIGHLIGHTS FROM ACROSS ALABAMA Amplifying the voices of those working for change in Alabama by celebrating news, wins of all sizes, milestones, AND ways others could use support! Submit your news so we can celebrate you! - The Southern Environmental Law Center, representing Black Warrior Riverkeeper and the Greater-Birmingham Alliance to Stop Pollution, warned the owners of Bluestone Coke they have 60 days to clean up water pollution from the plant and comply with the law or the groups will file suit in federal court. Read the article from AL.com here.
- In her new role at The Capacity Collaborative, Kathleen Kirkpatrick has partnered with Thriving Earth Exchange to establish a SE hub for their community science program. If your community has local environmental concerns that would benefit from a 6-18 month partnership with experienced scientists to help identify the issues, sign up to chat with Kathleen about applying before the September deadline.
- Congratulations to Freshwater Land Trust for their recent wins! FWLT celebrated the addition of two new staff members AND two miles to the Five Mile Creek Greenway! Read about the trail extension here in Bham Now.
- Catch up with Cahaba Riverkeeper on Tiktok! Check it out & give them a follow here!
- Head out to East Lake Market next Saturday (8/5) for a community fair promoting Clean Energy & Energy Efficiency for All of Alabama! Energy Alabama, along with several other nonprofit & community groups who work on environmental, civic engagement & justice issues, will be sharing resources & information to help Birmingham residents with home energy efficiency and weatherization, fight pollution, access funding for home energy upgrades available through the Inflation Reduction Act, and more.
- The Environmental Education Association of Alabama has published their Summer Newsletter! Check out the quarterly newsletter for EEAA grants, project updates, upcoming events, & more.
- Coosa Riverkeeper's ED & Riverkeeper, Justinn Overton, has been elected to the Waterkeeper Alliance Council as the North American Representative! Congrats Justinn!
- Alabama Water Watch has published the sixth installment of their 12 Months of Aquatic Critters Blog Series -- featuring Freshwater Sportfish. Read it & other awesome AWW blogs here.
- Submit comments with EarthJustice asking the USEPA to designate additional PFAS compounds than just PFOS and PFOA as hazardous under the Superfund law. More here.
- It's official, we can expect to see alligators all throughout Alabama! Outdoor Alabama recently wrote an article describing gators' pervasive presence from the Gulf all the way to Huntsville. Read it here.
This newsletter is created by a small team with limited resources, please use reply to this email or click below to submit newsletter items from your organization! |
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| EMPLOYMENT & INTERNSHIPS - Cahaba River Society is hiring 3 positions: a River Sustainability Director, a CLEAN Environmental Education Assistant, & a Conservation Crew Intern!
- Birmingham Zoo is hiring a full time, contract Community Engagement Consultant.
- Healthy Gulf (NOLA) is searching for an Executive Director, take a look at the prospectus
- Friends of South Cumberland State Park is hiring an Executive Director
| Alabama Rivers Alliance 2014 6th Avenue North, Suite 200 | Birmingham, Alabama 35203 205.322.6395 | info@alabamarivers.org |
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